To Grow Your Business

You might need a little website...

You might want instant reviews...

Have people download your app...

Make it easy to follow you...

Help people connect with you...

Whatever your business or trade...

We'll help you get more customers..

And get you more repeat business...

Be the first person or company that people call when they need your type of business or services.

Our unique solution means that they'll never lose your number and always think to contact you first in the future.

Unlock the power of NFC for your business

People are using NFC every day. It's in your bank cards, it powers mobile wallets as well as travel cards like Oyster.

NFC technology has been around for some times but as our mobile phones have improved so has what can be done with NFC. Here at SimplyTapMe we're leading the way in making NFC really work for your business. If you're still not sure what NFC does then watch the video here.

Pricing and Options

At SimplyTap.Me we believe in transparent pricing and easy to understand options. Our two business plans are designed to ensure your satisfaction and deliver the results you desire.

Option One

Option Two

Normally £52.95

Now only £39.95

Normally £66.95

Now only £49.95


  • Account Registration & Setup

  • 2 Unique NFC programmed stickers

  • Choice of up to 2 destinations (from the list shown below)

  • Up to 2 Free QR codes for web / print

  • 12 months included subscription*

  • Early bird access to new marketing services and products

  • Free Google Maps Business Profile analysis

  • Free advertising and marketing of your business across our channels

Destinations can include: a link to your website, a link to your preferred review page, a digital business card, a link to your social media page, a list of several links, a video of your choosing, a pdf, a money off voucher, a free mini-business website, an image gallery, a music playlist, send a WhatsApp message, a text, an email or initiate a phone call.


  • Account Registration & Setup

  • 4 Unique NFC programmed stickers

  • Choice of up to 2 destinations (from the list shown above)

  • Up to 2 Free QR codes for web / print

  • 24 months included subscription*

  • Early bird access to new marketing services and products

  • Free Google Maps Business Profile analysis

  • Free advertising and marketing of your business across our channels

* One month before your subscription is due to expire we will contact you to find out if you wish to continue at the rate of £1.50 monthly per destination (payable on an annual basis of £18 per destination). We will NOT automatically renew.